The Quest for the Perfect Solder Joint

The perfect solder joint is a wonder to behold, and indicates a proper connection that will give years of sterling service. Since Leads Direct specialises in leads and cables of all types, we will choose a Jack connection as used in instrument leads (used for electric guitars, basses, keyboards, etc.) for our examples.

A quality solder joint uses the mimum amount of solder necessary - no more than that required to to seal the area between the elements. A large ball of solder indicates a poor joint and can actually degrade the quality of the connection. A good joint will look smooth and shiny rather than dull.

image showing examples of good bad and terrible solder joints This is how a good solder connection should look - clean, shiny, and just the right amount of solder.
A bad solder connection - there is too much solder which clearly uneven, and has sharp points in places. The look of this joint suggests that it may have been overheated.
An even worse solder connection - note the uneven texture, and the flux remaining on the joint.

Leads Direct sells a wide range of tools suitable for working with cables and electronic projects of all types - visit our Tools page or for an even bigger selection complete with images and the opportunity to order online why not go straight to our online shop with secure online ordering and check out the tools section?

You might also care to visit our other soldering information pages. The Soldering home page provides links to other resources including a detailed Soldering Tutorial, a Soldering Quick Fix page, a Soldering Troubleshooter, and even an article on the effects of forthcoming Soldering Regulations.

If you are seeking further information on Soldering but cannot find it here, please email and we will try to both answer your question and make sure that the information is made available through these pages for future reference.


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